Make More Money From Your IdeasLearn how to turn your ideas into profitable products and sell them on and off the Internet. Discover the secrets of Internet marketing and Web design that turn your ideas and your Web site into a money-making machine. | ||
21 May 2005What if my speech isn't good enough yet?"I think that my speech is not developed enough to record it."I think you're confusing two things here. Your speech is definitely good enough to record - I mean, you just buy a recorder and a microphone and record it! But I think you mean that it isn't good enough to record and create an audio product. And you may be right. But that shouldn't stop you from recording it, getting it transcribed, and then using that material for articles, newsletters, special reports, an e-book or a book. You might be surprised how much valuable material is already there, even if it does require some editing and polishing. Labels: providing value, selling from the platform |
Welcome, and thanks for reading Make More Money From Your Ideas, where I answer your questions about turning your ideas into profitable products that you can sell on and off the Internet. Join the mailing list for more FREE tips, hints and low-cost ideas for improving your Web site. Gihan Perera Archives |