Make More Money From Your IdeasLearn how to turn your ideas into profitable products and sell them on and off the Internet. Discover the secrets of Internet marketing and Web design that turn your ideas and your Web site into a money-making machine. | ||
26 December 2006How do I take orders from my Web site?"How do I set up the automatic machinery at the back of my site to send out an e-book? Do I need a gateway? Or is there some simple way my ecart can send it out?"It depends what cart you're using. Does yours allow you to customise the "thank you" page after somebody buys a particular product? If so, you can add a link to the e-book on the thank-you page for that product. Alternatively, does it allow you to customise the e-mail message that goes out to acknowledge the sale? Again, if it does, then you can do it the same way. Some shopping carts do allow this; others don't., for example, does allow you to customise the thank-you page. So does ours. But many of them don't. Labels: e-commerce, shopping cart A newsletter would annoy my clients"One reason I have not done a practice consulting newsletter is that I suspect I would annoy some in my client base. I am toying with the idea of doing a once a year one, so as not to be too intrusive but at the same time to keep my name in front of people. Of course, people can log onto my website and get a free download each month. I do get some responses to that."First, why would people get annoyed? Make your sign-ups optional, so people can choose whether or not to receive it. Those who might get annoyed would simply not sign up (or would unsubscribe when they start getting annoyed). Second, once a year is way too infrequent! It's hardly "keeping your name in front of them" if you're only doing it once a year. If that's all you're willing to do, do something better - like buying them a book or a gift voucher! Finally, your monthly downloads are all the more reason to have a monthly newsletter, even if all it does is to tell people that they can go to the Web site and get the free download. Otherwise, you're expecting THEM to remember - and they won't. Find out more about publishing a newsletter. Labels: e-mail newsletter Should I charge a subscription or offer it free?"We discussed some time ago about me producing monthly podcasts. I have already recorded one interview. My dilemma is whether to charge subscribers/visitors. Some of my peers don't charge but use them as a marketing tool. Do you have any thoughts on this? If you do, I’d be delighted to hear your viewpoint."There's no simple answer to this question. I suggest you try it both ways and see what works. For example, I've just started a monthly audio subscription program, where people get the first 2 months free and then pay $29 per month. Lots of sign-ups to the free option, and now I'll wait to see whether they convert to paying clients. Find out more about creating products. Labels: pricing |
Welcome, and thanks for reading Make More Money From Your Ideas, where I answer your questions about turning your ideas into profitable products that you can sell on and off the Internet. Join the mailing list for more FREE tips, hints and low-cost ideas for improving your Web site. Gihan Perera Archives |