Make More Money From Your IdeasLearn how to turn your ideas into profitable products and sell them on and off the Internet. Discover the secrets of Internet marketing and Web design that turn your ideas and your Web site into a money-making machine. | ||
24 May 2006How do I connect with people who have huge mailing lists?"Once I create a product (easy part for me), how can I do some types of joint ventures with internet marketers and companies to market the ebook to their huge lists (hard part for me)."This is an excellent question, and most businesses under-estimate the effort required to make this work. The most important thing you should do first is to make sure you can sell the product yourself! Until you've got a provable, reliable and measurable sales process on your Web site, the big list owners won't touch you with a barge pole. After all, why should they? They've invested a lot of time, money and effort building a list, and they probably receive many joint venture requests just like yours. They are far more likely to choose those that are likely to succeed for them. So first earn the right! Learn how to make your site sell, and then start looking for joint venture partners. Labels: affiliate marketing |
Welcome, and thanks for reading Make More Money From Your Ideas, where I answer your questions about turning your ideas into profitable products that you can sell on and off the Internet. Join the mailing list for more FREE tips, hints and low-cost ideas for improving your Web site. Gihan Perera Archives |