Make More Money From Your IdeasLearn how to turn your ideas into profitable products and sell them on and off the Internet. Discover the secrets of Internet marketing and Web design that turn your ideas and your Web site into a money-making machine. | ||
10 November 2005Should I have one sales letter for each product?"I have two products, both for the same market. They are on a similar topic, but one is a book and the other is an audio CD. In your experience, should I sell both on the one site or have a different site for each but offer a special deal of the other format?"The theory is that every sales letter should sell only ONE product. It's OK for the product to be a bundled product, but in that case, the bundle should be the only thing they can buy. Don't give them options. Personally, I would bundle everything you've got into one package, and sell that package at a bargain-basement price (even if you're selling it at cost or even below cost). Then focus on your advertising and your sales letter. That's where you will make or break the sale. The bad news is that I think it will STILL be difficult to sell it - that's just the way it is with selling on the Net. So keep the price low and fine-tune your advertising and sales letter. After you've got them working OK, start raising the price. Labels: copywriting, sales letter |
Welcome, and thanks for reading Make More Money From Your Ideas, where I answer your questions about turning your ideas into profitable products that you can sell on and off the Internet. Join the mailing list for more FREE tips, hints and low-cost ideas for improving your Web site. Gihan Perera Archives |