Make More Money From Your IdeasLearn how to turn your ideas into profitable products and sell them on and off the Internet. Discover the secrets of Internet marketing and Web design that turn your ideas and your Web site into a money-making machine. | ||
04 May 2005Send a newsletter in HTML, not as an attachment"At the moment I send out a monthly newsletter in Adobe format as an attachment that results in a long download time. How can I write a newsletter that can be readily and easily transmitted to clients?"Yeah, sending attachments is a problem, not just because of the download time but also because some e-mail programs will block them because of virus fears. A better option is to send your newsletter in HTML format - i.e. looking like a Web page. This doesn't get sent as an attachment, and the file size is usually much smaller. Even if you don't know how to create Web pages, some e-newsletter systems allow you to write the basic text only, and they will add the HTML to "pretty it up". For example, our CourseBot system works in exactly that way. It also has an automatic switch between plain text and HTML, so that if somebody has chosen to receive their newsletter as plain text only, that happens automatically. Labels: e-mail newsletter |
Welcome, and thanks for reading Make More Money From Your Ideas, where I answer your questions about turning your ideas into profitable products that you can sell on and off the Internet. Join the mailing list for more FREE tips, hints and low-cost ideas for improving your Web site. Gihan Perera Archives |