Make More Money From Your IdeasLearn how to turn your ideas into profitable products and sell them on and off the Internet. Discover the secrets of Internet marketing and Web design that turn your ideas and your Web site into a money-making machine. | ||
03 May 2005How should I price my e-books?"Are e-books typically priced higher than printed books or booklets? My tips booklet is priced at £5 but I've converted it to an e-book and thinking of seling it for £7 - is that about right or way off?"Here's the simple answer: Pricing depends on the value you offer; the more value you offer, the higher the price you can charge. There are a number of ways of demonstrating the value of your e-book - e.g.
Here's a video that demonstrates the money-back guarantee idea. The other thing to remember is that if you charge a low price, it's easier to get people to buy it, but you require more customers! So if your marketing is great, you can afford to charge a lower price. Pricing is just one of the factors in writing profitable e-books, but it definitely is important. Labels: e-books, pricing, providing value |
Welcome, and thanks for reading Make More Money From Your Ideas, where I answer your questions about turning your ideas into profitable products that you can sell on and off the Internet. Join the mailing list for more FREE tips, hints and low-cost ideas for improving your Web site. Gihan Perera Archives |