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06 May 2005


How can I encourage more people to buy?

"I attract a lot of visitors but not many of them buy from us. How can I encourage more of my visitors to purchase from me?"
Ask them why they aren't buying.

I know that that sounds annoyingly simplistic, but it really is the first step to increasing your sales!

Create a pop-up window that shows up when somebody visits a sales page on your site and leaves it without buying anything. Just ask them to tell you why they aren't buying.

It helps if you can give them an incentive to fill in this survey. For example, if you're offering an electronic product such as an e-book or a membership site, you might even consider giving it to them free in exchange for their feedback. I did that once with one of my e-books, and I was amazed by some of the responses. They were extremely useful in helping me to improve my sales letter.

If you're not selling an electronic product, it might be too expensive to give them a physical gift of the product (though if you value the feedback enough, it's an excellent way to get a strong response rate)! In this case, write an e-book or special report and give that away instead.

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